Last revised: November 05, 2004.
January - month of the Roman
deity :
The god with
two faces
one looking to the future,
Ring out the old,
and sing... Ting-A-Ling-A-Loo
_January Flowers:
_The Car-nation & the
Go Up to: Ann-Maree Shrine
quality limited due to VHS Long-Play source. Apologies to Frank
Gorshin and Benny Hill.
Well, that's about it for Wolf Month, Thor.
Rectum Protectum: This is an amateur fan site. It is NOT
associated with any professional organization including the Ten
Network, nor any of the artists, licencees nor rights-holders of
whatever kind, Numa Pompilius.
All trademarks and copyright belong to their respective owners
and unto Caesar.
No attempt is made to supersede copyright, etc, etc, etc. Any
other appropriate disclaimers too.
We who are about to fry salute you - and await the February
Dragon. Quanti Est Sapere - Xoanon is free.